Metallurgy Process Courses

Heat Treating Course

Principles of Heat Treating


•  General Aspects of Heat Treatment: principles, properties and microstructure, normalizing, annealing, hardening tempering

•  Steel and Its Mechanical Properties: what is steel, properties, how these properties are measured, elasticity, plasticity, tensile testing

•  Microstructure and Mechanical Properties: constitution of steel, effect of alloying elements and heat treatment, transformation temperatures

•  Austenite and Its Transformation and Classification of Steels: relationship between structure of steel and its mechanical properties, two basic methods of controlling structure

•  Annealing and Normalizing of Steel: the annealing of steel, the procedures for controlling structure, problems of scaling, decarburization, normalizing

•  Hardening of Steel: proper hardening processes, quenching, hardening principles

•  Hardness and Hardenability: continues the discussion of hardness and the factors involved, hardenability tests, application of hardenability data

•  Factors Affecting Hardness and Hardenability: detailed effects of carbon, alloying, quenching, dissolved gases, surface condition, agitation

•  Tempering of Steel: its three stages, effect of temperature, time, composition and structure on properties, precipitation effects on tempering

•  Surface Hardening: flame, induction hardening methods, reactions and effects of carburizing, discussion of miscellaneous surface hardening methods

•  Austenite Grain Size-Its Control and Effects: formation of coarse grained and fine grained steels, methods of determining austenite grain size

•  Heat Treatment of Cast Iron: classification and constitution of cast iron, factors affecting graphitization

•  Heat Treatment of Tool Steels: water hardening, shock resisting, nondeforming, hot-work and high speed steels, types and characteristics of tool steels

•  Constitution and Heat Treatment of Stainless Steels: martensitic, ferritic, austenitic, precipitation hardening stainless steels

•  Heat Treatment of Nonferrous Metals and Alloys: annealing and recrystallization, cold work, phase diagrams, mechanical properties, heat treatment



  • People who are new to heat treating
  • Those who want a state-of-the-art update on heat treating
  • Technicians
  • Sales or management who want a better understanding of heat treating fundamentals


Heat Treatment of Steel



•  Steel and Its Mechanical Properties: what is steel ­properties, how these properties are measured, elasticity, plasticity, tensile testing

•  Microstructure and Mechanical Properties: constitution of steel, effect of alloying elements and heat treatment, transformation temperatures

•  Austenite and Its Transformation and Classification of Steels: relationship between structure of steel and its mechanical properties, two basic methods of controlling structure

•  Annealing and Normalizing Steel: the annealing of steel, the procedures for controlling structure, problems of scaling, decarburization, normalizing

•  Hardening of Steel: proper hardening processes, quenching, hardening principles

•  Quenching of Media and Equipment: principles of heat treatment of metals, quenching methods, mecha­nisms of quenching, determination of quenching effects, quenching conditions, quenching equipment, safety

•  Tempering of Steel: three stages - effect of temperature, time, composition, structure on properties, precipitation effects

•  Types and Construction of Heat Treating Furnaces: fuels and temperature control, classification of furnaces, measuring instruments, how to calibrate to insure accuracy gas, hydrogen, exothermic and endothermic prepared atmospheres, partial pressures, carbon control, dewpoint and CO2 vacuum

•  Furnace Atmospheres: oxidation and reduction, inert gas, hydrogen, exothermic and endothermic

•  Vacuum Heat Processing: vacuum heat treating, nature of the gaseous state, kinetic theory of gases, design of a vacuum furnace system, construction of vacuum furnaces, vacuum furnace designs, vacuum gages, heating element materials, heat insulation methods, electrical power sources, care of metal radiation shields, temperature measurements, quenching systems, vapor pressure, dissociation of metallic oxides, vacuum carburizing, vacuum brazing, reaction of work load with furnace fixtures, cycle control system

•  Surface Hardening: flame, induction hardening, methods, reactions, and effects of carburizing, discussion of miscellaneous surface hardening methods

•  Induction Heat Treatment: fundamentals of heat treatment, equipment selection and processing parameters, technical considerations, applications

•  Difficulties and Imperfections Associated with Heat Treated Steel: types of imperfections or failures, cracking, types and causes, other imperfections

•  Heat Treatment of Tool Steels: water hardening, shock resisting, nondeforming, hot work and high speed steels, types and characteristics of tool steels

•  Constitution and Heat Treatment of Stainless Steels: martensitic, ferritic, austenitic, precipitation hardening stainless steels


  • Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineers
  • Machine Shop Superintendents
  • Metallurgists
  • Managers in Heat Treating Operations



•  Elements of Metallurgy

Heat Treatment of Aluminum



•  Introduction to aluminum alloys and heat treating

•  Annealing treatments

•  Homogenization and solution heat treating

•  Quenching

•  Fundamentals of aging in aluminum alloys

•  Aging practices for aluminum alloys: Part 1

•  Aging practices for aluminum alloys: Part 2

•  Aluminum heat treating in a production environment

•  Quality assurance methods



This course is designed to provide a combination of the practical and theoretical elements of the heat treatment processes used specifically for aluminum and aluminum alloys: Coupled with classroom lectures will be opportunities to carry out actual heat-treatment practices and then examine the resulting microstructures and mechanical property effects. Also included will be discussions of the implementation of heat-treating practices in a commercial alloys and heat treating environment and discussion of the relevant standards and specifications governing aluminum heat treatment.



Heat treat engineers, supervisors, quality assurance personnel, metallurgists, design engineers, marketing personnel. Anyone who needs to understand the "hows" and "whys" of aluminum heat treatment for products they produce or use.



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