Cathodic Protection Training Program

CP 3- Cathodic Protection Technologist
6-Day Classroom Course


The CP 3-Cathodic Protection Technologist Course is an intensive 6-day course that presents CP technology to prepare students for the Cathodic Protection Technologist Certification Examination. The CP 3-Cathodic Protection Technologist Course builds on the technology presented in the CP 2-Cathodic Protection Technician Course covering both theoretical concepts and practical application of cathodic protection with a strong focus on interpretation of CP data, CP troubleshooting and mitigation of problems that might arise in both galvanic and impressed current systems. The course is presented in a format of lecture, discussion and hands-on, in-class experiments and group exercises. There is a written examination at the conclusion of the course.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for persons and who have extensive CP field experience and a strong technical background in cathodic protection. Students must complete a preliminary application for certification at least 60 days in advance so that education and prerequisites can be verified.

For each path, all prerequisites must be met in order to apply for the CP 3-Cathodic Protection Technologist Course.

   Path 1
            . 8 years Cathodic Protection work experience with progressively increasing technical responsibilities

            . High school diploma or GED

            . algebra and logarithm training
            . CP Technician certification or equivalent training

   Path 2
            . 6 years Cathodic Protection work experience with progressively increasing technical responsibilities

            . 2 years post high school training from an approved math or science technical/trade school including algebra and logarithm training

            . CP Technician certification or equivalent training

  Path 3
            . 3 years Cathodic Protection work experience with progressively increasing technical responsibilities

            . 4-year physical science or engineering degree

            . CP Technician certification or equivalent training

Course Highlights (include but are not limited to)

  • CP Theory
  • CP Criteria
  • CP Interference
  • Detecting Stray Current, AC Interference, and Telluric Current Interference
  • CP Design Fundamentals
  • Design Calculations (circuit resistances, system capacity and life, number of anodes, driving voltage
  • Evaluation of System Performance
  • Troubleshooting Cathodic Protection Systems


Skill Assessment

Upon successful completion of the CP Technologist Examination, a Certified NACE Cathodic Protection Technologist will have passed a written examination with a grade of 70% or greater that will include various levels of assessment of the following skill and knowledge factors:

  • Understand activation, concentration and resistance polarization and the mathematical expressions of these concepts.
  • Understand the factors that affect polarization (area, temperature, relative movement, ion concentration, oxygen concentration).
  • Understand the NACE criteria for CP and be able to apply the criteria and make adjustments as necessary to CP systems in order to comply with the criteria defined by the company where the technologist is employed.
  • Understand the concept of current distribution and be able to determine ideal current distribution for a CP system taking into account the factors affecting current distribution (anode-to-cathode separation distance, electrolyte and structure resistivity variation, current attenuation).
  • Perform advanced cathodic protection testing using correct measurement techniques to monitor CP system performance and accurately interpret the data collected to ensure optimum CP system performance. Based on data collected, determine if correction/modifications to system components are necessary.
  • Identify errors in data collection/CP measurements including contact resistance errors, voltage drop errors and, reference electrode errors.
  • Conduct and document interference tests where stray currents are suspected to determine if interference exists and identify the source of the interference.
  • Upon determination of interference, identify and implement a method of control that will mitigate the effects of the stray current.
  • Design and install simplistic forms of galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection facilities and perform the necessary mathematical calculations.

Cathodic Protection Training & Certification

CP 3 -Cathodic Protection Technologist

Course Outline


Thermodynamics of Corrosion

Pourbaix Diagram

The Electrode Potential

The Electromotive Force Series

The Nernst Equation

Common Reference Electrodes

Effect of Temperature on Reference Electrode Potentials

Converting Measured Potentials between Reference Electrodes

The Corrosion Cell

Corrosion Cell Components

Corrosion Cell Kinetics (Polarization)

Faraday's Law

Corrosion Potential

Factors Affecting the Operation of a Corrosion Cell

Depolarization of a Corrosion Cell

Increased Polarization of a Corrosion Cell

Circuit Resistance Changes

Effect of Driving Voltage on a Corrosion Cell

Effect of Time on a Corrosion Cell

Randles Circuit Model for an Electrode Interface in a Corrosion Cell

Types of Corrosion




Potential Criterion (-850 mV cse )

Polarization Shift Criterion (100 mV)

Factors affecting validity of criteria


Sulphate reducing bacteria

AC Current density

Type of metal

Mixed metals

Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)

Typical Cathodic Polarization Characteristics

Cathodic Polarization Curve

Activation and Concentration Polarization

Factors Affecting Polarization


Agitation (velocity)



Surface Area

Effect of Time

Types of Cathodic Protection Systems

Galvanic Anodes

Aluminum Anodes

Magnesium Anodes

Zinc Anodes

Polarization Diagram


Typical uses

Impressed current anodes

Bulk Anodes

Dimensionally Stable Anodes

Polarization Diagram

Carbon Backfill

Typical Uses

Impressed Current Power Supplies


Detecting Stray Current

Effects of Stray Current on Metallic Structures

Mitigation of Interference Effects from Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Systems

Other Sources of DC Stray Current

AC Interference

Conductive Coupling Due to Faults

Electrostatic Coupling

Electromagnetic (Inductive Coupling)

Telluric Current Interference

Interference Effects

Mitigation of Telluric Current Effects


Design Objectives

Determining Current requirement

Current Requirement Estimating Methods

Minimum Voltage Drop Method

Polarization Test Method

Polarization Shift Method

Calculation of Cathodic Protection Circuit Resistances

Anode Resistance

Calculating Pipe Resistance to Remote Earth

Calculation of Cable and Pipe Lineal Resistances

Calculating System Capacity and Life

Calculation of System Life

Calculating Number of Anodes

Calculation of System Driving Voltag e

Galvanic System

Impressed Current System

Sample Cathodic Protection Designs

Galvanic System

Impressed Current System

Design of Performance Monitoring Facilities

Typical Test Station

Test Arrangement at an Pipeline Crossing

Test Arrangement at an Underground Isolating Fitting

Test Arrangement at a Galvanic Anode

Test Arrangement at a Casing

Test Lead Arrangement at a Current Span Test Station

Coupon Test Stations

Current Distribution


Effect of Coating on Current Distribution

Effect of Anode-to-Structure Spacing on Current Distribution

Effect of Structure Arrangement on Current Distribution

Effect of Electrolyte Resistivity Variation on Current Distribution

Effect of Current Distribution on Holidays on a Coated Structure


The Potential Measurement

Copper Copper Sulfate Reference Electrode

Buried Reference Electrode

Polarity Considerations

The Potential Measurement Circuit and Measurement Error

Voltage Drop Errors in the Metering Circuit

Methods of Minimizing Voltage Drop Errors in the Potential Measurement

Current Interruption Method

Step-wise Current Reduction Method for Determining the Amount of Soil IR Drop in the On-Potential

Reference Electrode Placement Close to the Structure

Using Coupons to Minimize Voltage Drop Errors in the Potential Measurement

Measurement of the Polarization Shift

Current Measurement

Using an Ammeter to Measure Current

Using a Shunt to Determine Magnitude

Zero Resistance Ammeter

Clamp-on Ammeter

Pipeline Current Measurements

Close Interval Potential Survey

Coating Condition Surveys

Voltage Gradient Method of Detecting Holidays in a Pipe Coating

Coating Conductance Method of Evaluating Coating Quality

Troubleshooting Cathodic Protection Systems

Polarization Changes

Anode Polarization

Increased Resistance

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