Cathodic Protection Training Program

CP 1-Cathodic Protection Tester
6-Day Classroom Course

The CP 1-Cathodic Protection Tester Course is an intensive 6-day course that presents CP technology to prepare students for the Cathodic Protection Tester Certification Examination. Course topics include basic electricity, electrochemistry and corrosion concepts, CP theory, CP systems, and CP field measurement techniques. This course provides theoretical knowledge and practical fundamentals for testing on both galvanic and impressed current CP systems. The course involves lectures and intensive hands-on training with equipment and instruments used in CP testing. It also includes hands-on training at outdoor facilities (weather permitting). The course concludes with both a 2-hour written and a 2-hour practical (hands-on) examination.

Who Should Attend
This program will benefit anyone who is responsible for supervising CP systems, measuring the effectiveness of CP systems and/or recording this data, including CP field personnel, technicians, and those desiring certification as a "NACE Cathodic Protection Tester."

The following is strongly recommended, but not required:
            . High school diploma or GED
            . Six months CP work experience
            . Ability to perform basic math calculations (simple algebra, fractions, and conversions)

What You Need to Know to Succeed in This Course

Students who have little CP experience may be successful in this course if they are able to grasp scientific concepts, perform math calculations and have an understanding of electrical measurements. Students should strive to have 6 months of solid experience in handling CP instruments under the supervision of an experienced CP tester or technician. They must also be comfortable with math concepts that include subtraction, division, fractions, algebra, balancing equations, conversions of units, percentages, and graphs. An understanding of Ohm's Law applied to series and parallel circuits is also an asset. It is recommended that students without this knowledge take advantage of the NACE CP Tutorials. If you don't know if you are ready, walk through the short primer on Ohm's Law and basic math.

            . Ohm's Law

            . Math Assessment

Course Highlights (include but are not limited to)

  • Basic Electricity
  • Basic Chemistry and Corrosion Fundamentals
  • CP Fundamentals
  • Field Measurements
  • Stray Current Identification
  • Installing CP Components
  • Monitoring CP Systems
  • Recordkeeping
  • Safety Specific to CP
  • Troubleshooting

Skill Assessment

Upon successful completion of the CP Tester Examination, a Certified NACE Cathodic Protection Tester will have passed both an open book, written exam and a closed book, practical exam each with a 70% or greater that includes the following skill and knowledge factors:

  • Understand the basics of electricity, electrical laws, electrochemistry, corrosion and CP theory
  • An understanding of polarity related to current flow and metal corrosion activity
  • Conduct isolator tests to identify shorts and continuity tests in CP systems
  • Use test instruments to perform a variety of field tests such as structure-to-soil potentials, voltage and current measurements, soil resistivity, pipe/cable locating and rectifier readings
  • Understand CP components including impressed current systems, galvanic anodes and test stations
  • Read shunts and understand their use in rectifiers, bonds, and anodes
  • Perform periodic surveys to confirm the effectiveness of the cathodic protection system
  • Knowledge of reference cells, their maintenance, use, and precautions
  • Basic location mapping, report preparation, and recordkeeping
  • Safety issues specific to CP
  • Understanding of code requirements related to CP

Exam-Only Option

Candidates can sit for the CP Tester Examination without taking the class. The written exam is open book so that candidates can bring their own references, however the practical exam is not open book. Candidates will receive a copy of the course manual. Exams are scheduled to coincide with scheduled courses. Exam-only candidates may only attend the course on the day of the exam. Contact NACE Membership Services for more information. Registration fees for exam only candidates are nonrefundable.

Cathodic Protection Training & Certification

CP 1-Cathodic Protection Tester

Course Outline


Basic Electricity

Electrical Terms

Electrical Laws

Ohm's Law

Kirchhoff's Law

Electric Circuits



Basic Chemistry

The Elements

Chemical Compounds



Oxidation and


Electrochemical Circuits

Charge Transfer in the Electrolyte

Basic Corrosion Theory

Corrosion Cell

Cathodic Protection Fundamentals

Concept of Cathodic Protection



Galvanic Anode Systems

Impressed Current Systems

Component Parts (Galvanic)



Component Parts (Impressed Current)

Anodes Power Sources

Factors Influencing Cathodic Protection

Moisture Content of Soil

Soil Texture


Oxygen Content

Movement/Makeup of Structure and Electrolyte

Criteria for Cathodic Protection

NACE International Recommended Criteria Other International Standards

Electrical Continuity

Mechanical Joint Bonds

Electrical Isolation

Insulating Joints

Accidental Contacts

Field Measurements



Hazardous Materials

Record Keeping


Data Sheets

Measuring Potential

Use of Voltmeter

Reference electrodes

Typical Applications

Measuring Current

Use of an Ammeter


Typical Applications

Measuring Resistance

Using Ohm's Law

Using an Ohmmeter

Testing an Isolating Fitting

Testing Resistance between a Pipe and Casing

Measuring Structure Continuits

Diode Bias

Measuring Electrolyte


Wenner Four Pin Method

Soil Box

Resistivity Probe

Measuring pH

Measuring Redox Potential

Use of Pipe Locating Devices

Use of Current Interrupters

Testing and Adjusting CP Current Sources

Galvanic Anodes

Impressed Current

Stray Current Identification


Types of Stray Current

Identification of Stray Current

Stray Current Corrosion Control

Installing CP Components

Test Stations



Environmental Factors

Construction Notes

Types of Test Stations

Wire Attachment

Galvanic (Sacrificial) Anodes


Pre-Packaged Anodes

Unpackaged Anodes

Ribbon or Strip Anodes

Bracelet Anodes

Offshore Anodes

Impressed Current Groundbeds


Handling and Inspection of Anodes and Cable

Surface Groundbed Configurations

Deep Well Anode Groundbed


Installation of Rectifiers or Other Power Sources



Protective Coating

Inspection and Repair


Joint Patch and Other Field Coatings

Holiday Detectors

Types of Mill-applied Underground Coatings

Protective Coating

Inspection and Repair for

Atmospherically Exposed Structures



Inspection Procedures


Electrical Isolation

General Testing a Pipeline Casting Shorts

CP Levels

Field Procedure


Groundbed Malfunctions


Routine Maintenance

Output Problems

Reverse Current Diodes

Stray Current Identification

Written Exam

Practical Exam

Electrical Fundamentals-Ohm's Law

By Buddy Hutson

This information is intended to assist students of the NACE Cathodic Protection Training and Certification Program prior to class attendance. Other students may also find this information useful as a starting point for understanding the fundamental principles underlying cathodic protection technology.

When you attend the NACE Cathodic Protection Tester course, one of the first things you will be taught is basic electricity. Whether your plans are to be an electrician, electronics technician or work in corrosion control, you will need to have a good working knowledge of basic electrical fundamentals. One of the things we have learned from cathodic protection courses taught through the years is that many students struggle with the math involved with some of the electrical fundamentals. With this in mind, we have put together a short introduction that will help you be better prepared when you come to the course. Please read this carefully, before coming to class. These concepts will be thoroughly reviewed at the beginning of class; however, students may have difficulty understanding cathodic protection practices that are demonstrated in class if they are not familiar with these fundamentals.

One of the most basic concepts of electrical fundamentals has to do with Ohms Law. Back in 1828, George Simon Ohm discovered some facts involving voltage, current and resistance. Before we get into those facts that led to "Ohms Law", let's look at the elements involved. Where do we find voltage, current and resistance? How about in your car, TV, flashlight, and even your pacemaker? Any time there is an active electrical circuit; these basic elements will be there. To make sure everyone knows what we are talking about here, let's define the three elements of Ohms Law. Keep in mind that these terms will be expounded upon during the actual course. For simplicity sake, we will be talking about Direct Current (DC) throughout this discussion. During the actual course, we will get into (AC) Alternating Current as well. Keep in mind that batteries are DC and power from the wall socket in your home is AC.


Voltage can be defined as a difference of potential. Potential refers to the possibility of doing work. When we use a voltmeter to read across the terminals of a battery, we are reading the difference in potential between one terminal and the other. Voltage can be called an electromotive force, indicating the ability to do the work of forcing electrons to move. The symbol for voltage is the letter E and this comes from the term electromotive force. The unit of measure of voltage is the "Volt ". In a gas system, voltage compares to pressure. Gas flows through a pipeline as a result of the pressure on the system.


Difference of potential, electromotive force, ability to do work

Unit of measure



E or V (This symbol will be used in the Ohms Law Formula)

Compares to

Pressure in a gas or liquid system


Current can be defined as the flow of electrons. When the difference of potential between two charges forces a third charge to move, the charge in motion is an electrical current. To produce current charge must be moved by a potential difference. The unit of measure for current is the "Ampere". We often just say Amps. The symbol for current is the letter I. This comes from the term Intensity since current is a measure of how intense or concentrated the electron flow is. Current compares to gas flow in a gas system. The pressure causes the gas to flow in the pipe just as voltage caused electrons to flow in an electrical circuit.


Flow of electrons

Unit of measure



I (This symbol will be used in the Ohms Law Formula)

Compares to

The flow of gas or liquid in a piping system


Resistance can be defined as the opposition to current flow. Depending on the atomic structure of a material, it may be termed a conductor, semi-conductor or an insulator. These terms are determined by how many free electrons are available to allow the flow of current when a difference of potential is applied across it. Conductors have many free electrons and therefore, current flows quite easily. Semi-conductors have less free electrons and provide more opposition to the flow of current. Insulators have very few free electrons and offer extremely high opposition. Practically speaking, extremely good insulators do not allow the flow of current. The measure of resistance is the "Ohm" (I suppose that George Simon Ohm didn't want to be forgotten). The symbol for the Ohm is the letter R from the word resistance.

We also see the Greek letter Omega used as well. Omega Symbol

In a gas or liquid piping system, resistance can be compared to the orifice effect or the restriction to the flow provided by the inside diameter of the pipe.


Opposition to current flow

Unit of measure

Ohm often seen as the Greek letter Omega Omega Symbol


R (This symbol will be used in the Ohms Law Formula)

Compares to

Orifice effect or the size restriction of inside pipe diameter

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